マーラー存命中から第一線で活躍していたブルーノ・ワルターは、レコーディングも数多く残しており、すでに1930年代には積極的なセッション録音もおこなっていました。 今回登場する9枚組ボックスには、ワルターのヨーロッパ時代のHMV録音が中心に収められており、本家EMIからのインターナショナル・リリースということで期待が持てるところです。 収録レパートリーは、マーラー、モーツァルト、ベートーヴェン、シューベルト、ハイドンなど得意だった曲目から選ばれており、政情不安だった時代のヨーロッパで、まだまだ元気な頃のワルターが展開していた演奏がどういったものであったか、手頃な価格で味わうことができるのが嬉しいところです。
Nine disc (eight CDs + DVD) release. Bruno Walter stands in history as one of the few conductors who is almost unfailingly described as inspirational by those who performed with him. While he championed the works of Mahler and actively sought new music for much of his life, his fame lied in his exquisite recordings of Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn. This collection includes eight CDs of his finest recordings and a new 60 minute documentary recounting the great conductor and aspects of his life.
2 1/2 CDs of Mahler – All his pre-war Vienna PO recordings + the 1949 Kindertotenlieder with Ferrier.
Essential listening, but they have been continuousy available on EMI, Naxos or Dutton.
3 CDs of Mozart – The same 3 CD set that EMI issued back in 1991.
The performances are fine, but the transfer has an unpleasant string sound. A missed opportunity for remastering.
1 CD of Wagner’s Die Walkure: Act 1 and Act 2, Scenes 3 & 5 – This was all of Die Walkure that Bruno Walter recorded in Vienna in 1935.
Due to some extremely unleasant circumstances, EMI finished Act 2, Scenes 1,2 & 4 in Berlin under Bruno Seidler-Winkler
with an all-Aryan cast.
In order to issue Walter’s contribution on a single 79 minute CD, EMI CUT ABOUT 3 MINUTES FROM THE RECORDING. Aaargh!
The complete uncut Acts 1 & 2 under Bruno Walter and Seidler-Winkler is available on an inexpensive 2 CD set from Naxos in excellent Mark Obert-Thorn transfers: Wagner: Die Walküre (Acts 1 and 2)
Wagner Siegfried Idyll – Last issued in 1991 as part of EMI’s “The Art of Conducting” box.
Schubert Symphony 8 – Last issued in 1992 as part of EMI’s “Vienna Philharmonic 150th Anniversary” box.
Beethoven Symphony 6, Haydn Symphony 92, J. Strauss Fledermaus Overture, Wagner Meistersinger Prelude
– All last issued in 2002 on Bruno Walter’s entry in the “Great Conductors of the 20th Century” 2 CD series.